Web Pages of Interest

Fight Parkinson's - A personal story of coping with early onset PD: https://fightingparkinsonss.com/

A Young Onset PD Patient in Israel's blog tracking his personal journey with Early Onset Parkinson’s.


FredPhillips - My journey with Parkinson's … a natural approach!: https://fredphillips.wordpress.com/

I am a retired martial arts instructor, author and spiritual teacher. I have devoted my life to bringing awareness and understanding in regards to spiritual consciousness, the emotional pain and faulty beliefs that are at the root of our suffering and to the special children who are here to help guide us to a more compassionate way of living.

My passion is helping people to feel good about themselves. I believe that this is the most important thing for our health and happiness.

I am also experiencing a neurological condition [Parkinson’s] and have chosen to heal it holistically and write about my experience..


Guillaume vs. Parkinson: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085481113585

Hello, and welcome to the Guillaume vs page. Parkinson, following the Parkinson's project on Loire! Here you can follow all my work against the disease: sports, virtual reality, music... and development of modifying treatment to slow the evolution. Feel free to contact me with any questions!.


Journey with Parkinson's: https://journeywithparkinsons.com/

"Where Life Meets Parkinson's." A blog for Parkinson's education, research advances, treatment strategies, and personal reflection. The goal is to provide support and resources to anyone either with Parkinson's disease or with any neurodegenerative disorder.


Parkinson Club: https://www.parkinsonclub.de/en

Great site from Tom documenting his journey with alternative healing methods - TPS Neurolith, PDCare, Vielight, NeuroEpo etc.


Parkinson's News Today: https://parkinsonsnewstoday.com/

Parkinson’s News Today is a digital platform intended to provide the Parkinson’s disease community with the most recent news and information on Parkinson’s, as well as first-hand community perspectives from our patient and caregiver columnists.


PD OPTIMISM: https://pdoptimism.com/

Hope, optimism, and equanimity in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). This blog chronicles signals of hope about potential treatments for PD including new pharmaceutical treatments being developed and in the FDA approval process, positive effects of exercise and nutrition, as well as other treatments such as neurostimulation, meditation, etc.  Curated by a caregiver and spouse of Person with Parkinson’s (PwP).


Red Lights on the Brain: https://redlightsonthebrain.blog/

It made sense to collate the information into one place, to summarize the research, create and maintain a list of references on the effects of red/near infrared light, to chart the ongoing experiences with the lights, to document the changes in the design of the home-made lights and give detailed instructions about how anyone can make a light hat. Hence this blog.


The Patient Researcher: https://patientresearcher.com/

A Research Scientist diagnosed with Parkinson's disease shares his research and personal experience to help others manage their disease.


The Rhyothemis princeps Brain Externalization Project: https://rhyobrain.blogspot.com/ 

"My external memory bank - you are welcome to rummage through it. There are a few posts that are essays, the rest are just notes and links to references. Keyword searches would be an efficient way to find items of interest. Topics are varied and include neuroscience, immunology, metabolism, Parkinson's and other synucleinopathies, Celiac, autism, allergy/atopy, ME/CFS, mitochondria, ion channels, aquaporins, cancer, natural products, functional foods, etc."


Why RBD: https://whyrbd.com/

RBD (REM Sleep Behavior Disorder) Patient site to:

Share the research I find regarding Pre-Parkinson’s Disease so others around the world can benefit from this information. 

Share real time what I am doing in regards to therapies, tests, and treatments in my effort to stop or reverse the progression of Pre-Parkinson’s disease.  I will be upfront about everything in order to help others learn faster.


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40 HZ Brainwave Entrainment

So... on today's Zoom call I was asked to re-post the link to the 40 HZ brainwave entrainment audio file I created and have been using. ...